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Lafayette Little League

Each division of the league has specific ages associated with it.  The division that any player ends up playing in is based on age and/or being drafted based on his or her abilities.  The following displays the different divisions, the criteria for players being placed there and general time commitments.  Ages are based on the Little League Age Chart.

  • Advanced Baseball: 13-14 year olds
  • Majors: 12 year olds: 10-11 year olds – drafted based on ability
  • AAA: 11 year olds: 9-10 year olds – drafted based on ability
  • AA: 10 year olds: 8-9 year olds – drafted based on ability
  • Farm: 7-9 year olds - age based and experience based; pitching machine
  • Instructional: 6-7*  year olds - age based; tee/coach pitch  *Players age LL5 may participate if they are in a qualifying TK program through an Elementary School
  • Challenger:  6-18 year olds with physical and/or educational challenges


Advanced Baseball teams generally practice during the week and have games on weekends.  However, the schedule is dependent on other leagues and game/practice days may fluctuate including the addition of weekday games and weekend practices.

AA,  AAA and Majors division teams have practices twice per week (one weekday afternoon and one on Sunday) and have two games per week (one weekday afternoon and one on Saturday).  

Farm division teams practice once per week either on a weekday afternoon or on Sunday, and have one game per week on Saturday.

Instructional division teams practice once per week on a weekday afternoon and have one game per week on Saturday.  

Practice/Game days and times for the above divisions are determined and published after teams are formed, usually by the last week of February. 

The Challenger division practices Monday early evening and has a game on Sunday afternoons.

Special Rules by Division - Updated 4/26/2021

Adv Baseball

First half of season (Preseason)
Means nothing.Means nothing.Means nothing.Means nothing.


Time Limit - No inning started after
90 Minutes2 Hours2 Hours2 Hours before DST. 2.5 Hours after DST.
Half inning is over when:3 outs, 5 runs, or all (12) batters have batted. No Run Limit in the 5th inning (that means the 5 run and "all batters bat" rules do not apply to the 5th inning.)
3 outs or 5 runs.) No run limit in the 6th inning (that means the 5 run rule does not apply to the 6th inning.3 outs.3 outs.

Player playing time
No player can sit out two consecutive innings.Each player must play at least 9 defensive outs.Each player must play at least 9 defensive outs.A minimum of 2 innings for first 4 innings of the game.

Bat through entire team not just defensive players playing at that time.Bat through entire team not just defensive players playing at that time.Bat through entire team not just defensive players playing at that time.Bat through entire team not just defensive players playing at that time.
Pitching Rules

Curve Balls
Not allowedNot allowedNot allowedAllowed

Hit two batters during one inning
Pitcher must be replacedPitcher must be replacedPitcher must be replacedNo Rule.

10 Run Slaughter Rule
NoNoNoYes- after 5th inning.

Anyone who can't pitch?
Any player who is called up from the lower division for that game.Any player who is called up from the lower division for that game or who is 12 years old.Any player who is called up from the lower division for that game.No

Home has 3rd base dugout.Home has 3rd base dugout.Home has 3rd base dugout.Home has 3rd base dugout.

Innings required to constitute a full game
3 innings4 innings4 innings5 innings

# of parents allowed in dugout

Home team to provide balls
3 per game3 per game3 per game3 per game

Limit on bases for overthrows on steals
Limited to base they are advancing to. Want to encourage throws by players.No limits.No limits.No limits.

Base Coaches

Adults or players may be base coaches. If players, they must wear a helmet.
Adults or players may be base coaches. If players, they must wear a helmet.Adults or players may be base coaches. If players, they must wear a helmet.Adults or players may be base coaches. If players, they must wear a helmet.


Responsible for official scorekeeping
Home TeamHome TeamHome TeamHome Team

Report Score and Write-up to VP
Winning team.Winning team.Winning team.Winning team.
Infield practice before game
Visting team takes infield 25 min. before game time for 10 min, then home team takes infield for 10 min. so 5 minutes remain for manager/umpire meeting.
Visting team takes infield 25 min. before game time for 10 min, then home team takes infield for 10 min. so 5 minutes remain for manager/umpire meeting.Visting team takes infield 25 min. before game time for 10 min, then home team takes infield for 10 min. so 5 minutes remain for manager/umpire meeting.Visting team takes infield 25 min. before game time for 10 min, then home team takes infield for 10 min. so 5 minutes remain for manager/umpire meeting.
Post game field care
Shared by both Home and Visiting teams. Field care per the Post Game Field Care Plan.
Shared by both Home and Visiting teams. Field care per the Post Game Field Care Plan.Shared by both Home and Visiting teams. Field care per the Post Game Field Care Plan.Shared by both Home and Visiting teams. Field care per the Post Game Field Care Plan.

Headfirst slides
Not allowed unless returning to base.Not allowed unless returning to base.Not allowed unless returning to base.Not allowed unless returning to base.
Sliding into first
Not allowed unless returning to first base.
Not allowed unless returning to first base.Not allowed unless returning to first base.Not allowed unless returning to first base.

Field Status

Closed Closed

Buckeye Field (12:58 PM | 02/11/25)

Closed Closed

Chaney Field (12:58 PM | 02/11/25)

Closed Closed

Ben Pahnke (12:58 PM | 02/11/25)

Closed Closed

BVE Upper Back (12:58 PM | 02/11/25)

Closed Closed

Happy Valley (12:58 PM | 02/11/25)

Closed Closed

Lower Comm (12:58 PM | 02/11/25)

Closed Closed

Upper Comm (12:58 PM | 02/11/25)

Closed Closed

BVE Front Grass (12:58 PM | 02/11/25)

Closed Closed

BVE Upper (A/B) (12:58 PM | 02/11/25)

Closed Closed

Lafayette Elementary Field (12:58 PM | 02/11/25)

Closed Closed

Buckeye (10:17 AM | 02/04/25)

Closed Closed

BVE - Ben Pahnke (10:17 AM | 02/04/25)

Closed Closed

BVE - Upper Back (10:17 AM | 02/04/25)

Closed Closed

Happy Valley Elementary School (10:17 AM | 02/04/25)

Closed Closed

Lower Community (AB) (10:17 AM | 02/04/25)

Closed Closed

Upper Community (10:17 AM | 02/04/25)

Closed Closed

BVE - Front Grass (10:17 AM | 02/04/25)

Closed Closed

BVE - Upper (A/B) (10:17 AM | 02/04/25)

Closed Closed

Lafayette Elementary (10:17 AM | 02/04/25)

Closed Closed

White Pony (10:17 AM | 02/04/25)