Lafayette Little League All Star Selection Process
LLL All Star selection process:
1. In early to mid May, the All Star selection process will commence. The process will be as outlined below, or as otherwise modified and such modifications will be posted on the LLL website.
2. The President will send emails to all AA, AAA and Major managers requesting them to submit their names if they are interested in being considered as a manager for an All Star teams.
3. (2) separate player voting ballots will be prepared for the following groups:
a. 11 and 12 year old players, and
b. 9 and 10* year old players.
All Majors players will receive a player ballot listing all 11 and 12 year old players who are currently playing in the Majors division. Each Majors player may vote for up to 5 players in each of these age groups, for a total of (10) votes per player.
All AAA players will receive a ballot listing all 9 and 10 year old players playing in the AAA division. Each AAA player voting may cast a vote for up to 5 players on the ballot for each of these ages, for a total of (10) votes per voting AAA player.
4. The player voting ballots are distributed to players of the teams in early to mid May before or after a team’s scheduled final game. Ballots will be distributed and collected by one of the President, Vice-President, one of the Post-Season Committee chairmen, or an assigned member of the Board of Directors.
5. Also in early to mid May, each manager in AAA and Majors will be asked to rank the top 15 players for each age group from 1-15 with 1 being the best. Majors managers rank 15 players from each of the 12 year old, 11 year old, and 10 year old (if applicable) age groups. AAA managers rank 15 players from the 9 year old and 10 year old age groups. Managers must submit their rankings to the President by the specified deadline.
6. The manager rankings will be averaged and the player ballot rankings will be tabulated. The averaging of manager rankings will produce a preliminary list of the 15 top players in each age group. The top 4 vote getters in each group from the player vote must be included among this top 15. This will produce the list of the top 15 players in each category, as viewed by the managers and players.
7. The All Star manager for each age group will be selected by the President, in consultation with the League Vice President. The managers that have been selected will be notified on or before Championship Weekend (typically no later than the first weekend in June).
8. It is expected that the All Star Manager will take the top 10 players as determined by the player voting and manager votes from their respective age group. The remaining players to complete the All Star Roster will be chosen at the discretion of the All Star Manager in consultation with, and subject to, the approval of the President. As an example, if there are to be 12 players on subject All Star team, the manager must take the top 10 as ranked and then pick the last 2 as follows: the latitude of selecting the final players is intended to allow the manager to survey the players that will be on the team and then address weaknesses in playing position, skill or other specific need on the team. The final positions are to be filled with players that help strengthen the overall composition of the team and to provide the team with the best chance of being competitive.
Any deviation from the top players as voted by the players and ranked by the managers must be approved by the President. Each roster will consist of 12, 13, or 14 players, as determined by the All-Star Manager, in consultation with and as approved by the President.
9. Playing on the All Star team is viewed as a privilege and goes beyond just talent. Players selected to the All Star team are expected to represent Lafayette Little League with the highest degree of sportsmanship and respect for their community, teammates, coaches, opponents, umpires and spectators. Players that have exhibited poor sportsmanship or disrespect during the season will not be allowed to participate on the All Star team. A decision to leave a player off the All Star team may be made by the manager of the All Star team only with approval of the President.
10. The players who have been selected to the All Star Teams will be notified by the All Star Manager following the conclusion of the regular season championship game(s).
11. The All-Star Manager shall select their coach(es) from parents of the players that have been selected to the All Star team. These selections shall be made in consultation with, and are subject to the approval of, the President.
Fees for entering All Star tournaments will be paid by Lafayette Little League.
*In years where there are a significant number of 10 year olds drafted into and playing in the Majors division, the Majors voting ballots will include 10 year olds and the AAA ballots will include only 9 year olds.
All Star Time Commitment
All Star Team Members will be announced by mid June and will be posted on the league website. The All Star schedule is demanding and runs from approximately mid-June to near the end of July. It is expected that each family of an All Star selected player will disclose to the All Star Manager potential schedule conflicts and overall availability at the time they are notified of their player's selection. Listed below is a typical schedule for an All Star team from a recent season as an example. Players unable to make the expected time commitment or declining all-star participation are not eligible for any LLL postseason teams. To be fair to all involved, families must be willing to commit to attending at least 90% of the events on a schedule that will be similar to what is reflected below.
To be fair to all involved, families must be willing to commit to attending at least 90% of the events on a schedule that will be similar to what is reflected below.